I truly admire this seasoned author’s skill, technique, and commitment to these characters. They live and breathe in all of their awkward glory.

If you have a hard time empathizing with gender-diverse people or those that live a much different life than your own I would skip this one. As I have no staunch political leanings and tend to enjoy stories that some might consider off-putting . . . I have a true soft spot for the struggles of underdogs and this story has more than one to choose from. This story focuses on Adam Brewster and his Mother Rachel who shows him how to be true to himself and brave enough to live his life fully and without apology.

This novel is a long one folks, but I enjoyed it even when the narrative became slow and meandering . . . it was a winding path of discovery and a road much less traveled.

I’d like to thank NetGalley for an advanced copy of The Last Chairlift for my unbiased evaluation. 4 stars

Professional Reader Reviews Published 100 Book Reviews

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