If you knew you could change someone’s life with a dollar…would you?

Because I am here to tell you how you can on May 7, 2017.

I want to take this opportunity to share with you more than just my books…I want to tell you my story. 🙂

I fell in love with words when I was very young, but there was no way for me to pursue that goal at the time. Like so many of us, I had to put my dreams on hold to deal with the realities of paying bills and buying groceries. I have reached a point in my life where no one else is dependent on my paycheck, and I’m now willing to possibly starve so I can feed my soul.

Over a decade ago I picked up a pen (yes, literally a pen because I did not own a personal computer or device, nor did I know how to use one) to start writing what is now titled The Gator Leaves Nothing Behind. When I put that pen to paper on Thanksgiving Day all those years ago, I felt the stars align and I knew in my core it was what I was meant to be doing—despite this knowledge I could not spare enough time to devote to my craft.

Over the years, I have felt terribly guilty and called myself names for taking time away from my job, my chores, my family. I even tried several times to put the writing down (once I tried to sell the idea to Nicole who ended up becoming part of my family and held my hand through the writing process), but this story would not let me go. The more I denied the words that were hiding inside me, the more heartsick I became. I could not sleep, eat, or concentrate…the characters and their words haunted me day and night until I wrote them down.

For those of you who have been here from the beginning I would like to admit that I had a misstep in the launch of my children’s book thinking that giving books away for free would lead to sales, and I was wrong (there were nearly 500 free downloads of my book during the first day of launch). The first part of my dream has come true—to know that precious children out there are reading and enjoying my first book.

But my dream has more than one part…

The second part of my dream is to become a best-selling author…not because of some egotistical fantasy, but because I want my story to find its readers and to finally support myself doing the thing I love most in the world. I am here to implore your help to reach this goal…

To become a best-selling author, I must actually “sell” books and I want to do it the right way, no gimmicks, no trickery.

I am going to take a decade of work and put it up on Amazon for 99 cents for ONE DAY ONLY (offer extended by popular demand). I ask that you buy my eBook at this deep discount, read it and, and please review when you are finished. I know that it is a novel, and it may take a while for you to accomplish the review part, and this is perfectly fine. I want you to enjoy the book.

I humbly ask that you please join me on May 7, 2017.

In a future email we will be giving more details about the launch. It will be super easy and we will tell you how to…

Get Your Dollar Back. 🙂

PRIZE ALERT!!! We will be keeping a hawk-eye on Facebook and Twitter participation (mostly counting “shares” and “re-tweets”) from now until the launch. To show my appreciation for those who put forth extra effort…the top three participants who have also purchased the ebook will win a free copy of the print book when it comes out—so share, share, share.

Please take advantage of this awesome opportunity & sign up to receive updates—tell your friends and family too!

If you have any questions, contact [email protected]

In gratitude,
Kami Boley

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