For those that are new to Boley Books, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself . . .
I’m Kami Boley the featured author and creative director behind If you would like to learn more about me and my projects, please tour our website. I’d love to hear from you!
I have been hard at work on research, editing, and adding over 15,000 words to the next installment of The Disturbing History Saga. I know it is taking a long time for me to finish this book (I REALLY want it to blow your mind). I promise the patience will pay off!
During my lengthy government research, I discovered a new book titled Paperclip that has sparked my interest and I wanted to share its author with you today . . .
I am pleased to introduce you to —

Walter Rhein
Writer / Teacher / Translator / Editor
Walter Rhein was born in Wisconsin but moved to Lima, Peru in his twenties. There, he supported himself by writing, teaching, translating and editing. He currently splits his time between Wisconsin and Peru. He is currently a writer for and his articles also frequently appear in Silent Sports and Cross Country Skier Magazine. He was also a featured writer at the Chippewa Valley Book Festival and the Fox Cities Book Festival.
How did you discover you were a writer?
I think for most writers it’s a compulsion that can’t be ignored. When I was a freshman in high school I had a short story accepted in a small magazine, and that gave me a boost of confidence that set me on a writing path.
How many books have you written and what are their titles?
6 novels and I’ve also contributed short stories to several anthologies. The novels are:
Beyond Birkie Fever—Humor/sports
Reckless Traveler—Humor/travel
The Reader of Acheron—Dystopian/Heroic Fantasy
The Literate Thief—Dystopian/Heroic Fantasy
The Bone Sword—Fantasy
What is your favorite childhood book?
I am a big fan of Roald Dahl. Growing up, there was no other author that was nearly as good at communicating with children. The big thing about Dahl was that the story didn’t sound patronizing. Dahl freely admitted that many adults were pretty vile people and that they deserved to be thrown into the sun. Most other children’s books push the narrative that children must always be respectful, and with the number of bad people in the world, I think that’s a pretty irresponsible position to take.
Tell us about a pivotal book you read as a teenager?
The Once and Future King comes to mind. Anyone who is a fan of Arthurian legend should know this book, but I’m surprised how many people have never heard of it. It really is a beautiful novel with a lot of philosophical life advice presented in a very accessible fashion. There are some points in the book that are a bit of a slog to get through, but when that book is firing on all cylinders it’s masterful. Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency also is one I remember from my teens. That’s a book that seems like it’s just barely holding itself together, but when it all comes together it achieves something few books do.
What genre of books are you most drawn to and why?
I’ve always been a fan of fantasy, I think it’s because I enjoy letting my mind wander in places that aren’t corrupted by pollution, and have fresh water, and aren’t encumbered by soul-crushing technology. My favorite parts of The Lord of the Rings are when Frodo is just hanging out with his buddies having a few beers.
What is the best money you ever spent as a writer?
I had to think about this one for a minute. I did a promotion with BookBub that was really good. BookBub selects your book and you put the price down to .99 for a limited time. I think I sold something over 500 copies in three days.
Where do you find inspiration when you feel blocked?
I don’t know if I’ve ever been blocked. I keep a notebook of things I have to write. I’ll jot down the two or three plot points for a three-page narrative, and I get to them whenever I have the time. I also send myself emails with story ideas. I think the key to not being blocked is to just jot down those moments of inspiration when they come to you. I have pages and pages of story seeds that I have yet to write.
Do you hide secrets in your books that only a few people will find?
I don’t think so, not intentionally anyway, but I suppose there are scenes that are informed by events that happened in real life that some people will recognize. I don’t think you could avoid that.
What activities do you enjoy when you’re not writing?
I am a cyclist and a cross-country skier. Lately, I’ve been drawing and painting with my two daughters. Painting is a great way to kick your brain out of a rut. It’s fun to engage in an activity that makes 2 hours just evaporate.
What was your last project?
Paperclip, a book I co-wrote with Dan Woll. We’re setting up library appearances, and the reaction to the book has been very positive. Here’s an article about it.
What is your next project?
I’m working on two books right now, the third book in my dystopian fantasy series, and a book that takes place in the 80s. They’re both about halfway done.
How can readers connect with you?
You can find me on Facebook here. Lately, I’ve been more active on Twitter, and you can find me here. I also maintain a web page called Streets of Lima.
“I warmly endorse the continuing efforts of Dan Woll and Walter Rhein for their latest novel, “Paperclip.” Unsettled, stirring. drama-laden—“Paperclip” is written with gusto, good humor and a knowledge of the panoply that is America, as the authors take their three gifted characters from youth to adulthood. How can you resist a book that opens with a guesser who is always right? “Paperclip” begs for a read, a sequel, and a movie.”
—Dave Wood, Former Books Editor, Minneapolis Star Tribune and Past Vice-President, National Book Critics Circle
What if your whole life was an experiment?
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